Pokemon for DS, the ones that are online........ lol? - online pokemon games you can play at age 9
So basically, I'm 16 and have a DS and a feeling that it is a condascending console, lol. But I want an online game fun that I can fight with people all over the world. I thought winning the battle with other Pokemon game, I think it's like a diamond or something, anyway. If you see someone this game at my age, do you think it has been delayed? lol, I also ask, is a decent game?
Online Pokemon Games You Can Play At Age 9 Pokemon For DS, The Ones That Are Online........ Lol?
6:29 PM
You are all battle game online with Metroid Prime: Hunter battles online is really fun. Regarding Pokemon Diamond can
I hope you wouldnt be rare, I'm a little bigger than this .... pshh Condasending The DS is not Wii console, the low cost and has a good selection of games. In addition, the line of decency. Pearl / Diamond is a good game, and the good thing is that it is always doing something else. But the people in the battle, and you must not only your friend code, which means that you receive from friends or ask here.
I love the game and his Kool. I have diamond and I was the game yesterday. I saw older people see it, but I think these people are, like 20's. I think it is a little too old for this game, but it is never too old to enjoy! :)
Pokemon itself is a great game! though I much younger than you are stupid or not cuz I know nothing else but the pokemon likes you.
You should tell your cousin Mario Kart also get a fun game that can use Wi-Fi
I am 14 and I play and play some other kids in my school.
depends only on the person.
I agree with my inner child =]
is quite amusing, is technically more a water Palkia Dialga Palkia / Dialga is Dragon and Steel / Dragon
Dialga, but it will be better, and u, if the right steps, you can win.
because my lvl 53 Torterra lvl 61 Infernape can be a Flint with an earthquake, which hangs on ur movements
I know it sounds stupid, I'm 15 and I like all the Pokemon games when I was little I was obsessed with the program and now I love the game so used to not look stupid or that cares what they think anyway if they are funny as the U-6 and YHA Thay are fun and I know that many people say to do something, but IDC
You can not fight against people online after randomly. may not be able to deal with them, you have your many friends, fight with them online.
N pokemon crater, but that is how the building is, I would say it's better, Pokemon Indigo.
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