Pennsylvania Secretary of the Commonwealth Outraged at Partisan Lawsuit ? - commonwealth of pennsylvania department of health vital records
This is America, but you never know.
Last Updated: 5:18 pm EDT 20th October 2008
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 20 October 2008 / PRNewswire via USNewswire / - Expressing outrage, Secretary of the Commonwealth Pedro A. Cortes today as "completely unjustified" 17 October Board of Republican Party of Pennsylvania and others against the Department of State relating to registration of voters, and noted that Pennsylvania is ready, organizing the elections fair, accurate, accessible and secure.
"The applicant, or does not know how to treat the cases of voter registration, or - worse yet - they know, but trying to deliberately deceive the voters," he said. "This complaint hides behind the guise of protecting the electoral process undermined if, in fact, the very foundations of our democracy - solely for political purposes."
Do you believe that America should be for the political parties to vote?
Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania Department Of Health Vital Records Pennsylvania Secretary Of The Commonwealth Outraged At Partisan Lawsuit ?
8:37 AM
"Between 2002 and 2005, only one person to be registered has been convicted of fraud. Twenty
others were convicted, while not vote and were guilty of five of the eligible voting
more than once. The 26 criminal voters "
At the same time, tens of thousands of voters in at least six states in question
were removed from lists or blocked so that the registration
seems to federal law violation. "
"In person voting fraud is not present. This does not occur, and ... makes no sense, because
Who bears the risk of jail for something so obvious that perhaps the changes
a voice? "
Election fraud is a myth created by conservatives to deny low-income voters and
preventing them from voting. ...
If you dare to check these accounts, as is the case in Pennsylvania and Ohio, the story is true,
If Obama supporters, the recording will stop deaths think we have a fair election. A student from Ohio, went to work for the Obama campaign to Florida, and a roll call vote after you have already registered and voted in Ohio. This will be a disaster and should be investigated.
Perhaps Mr. Cortes did not watch the news.
The Socialist candidate, has spent about $ 1 million to acquire ACORN help in this election.
The condition of the Palestinian Authority and all American citizens must do their part to ensure that there is no place in a democratic nation.
~ M ~
Given the scandals of high outside the house of fraud and voter registration of some who do not fall in actual voter fraud - I agree with him. If they have nothing to hide - What is the big deal - just a precaution - that's all.
I think the libs should keep his mouth shut, and for the experiment in false voter registrations in turn responsible. To protect the voting process, not!
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